There is a saying, “start from Rei, end in Rei”.
The sentence “start from Rei, end in Rei” is mainly comes from the attitude of the spirit of Budo, such as Kendo.
During a match, the most important things are to protect manners, and having respect to the rival.
This is the thinking way that having “Rei-Setsu” to your match is more important than the result.
Budo is developed from traditional Japanese “ancient martial arts”, through these practices, the purpose that they fix themselves living way and being way.
It is highly esteemed “Rei-Setsu”, same as train your body and learn skills.
“The reasons for high esteemed “Rei-Setsu” in “Budo” is to show respect for your rivals and gain autonomy”.
In Budo, when your “mind”, “skills”, and “body” unite to master as “autonomy”, you defined as “first rank”.
What is “mind”, “skills”, and “body” for you?
1.“The mind”: enhancement of mental strength and character.
– Do not give up until the very end.
– Always set high goal and keep challenging.
Through training your mind, you can overcome any wall in front of you. A strong mind enables you to keep trying.
In other words, you always focus on your life goal and do your best till it will realize.
In Japan, we say Kokorozashi (resolution, mission across generations) about this life goal.
2.“Skills”: the desire to expand the human ability.
– To control your emotions.
– Through contribution to others, growth both you and others.
It is important to control your fighting spirit and emotional confusion. Your immature skills make you hurt and cause trouble.
It is important to face your rival with modesty.
In another word, you can say “Teamship”.
Teamship means to grow together while understanding each other regardless of positions or roles in society.
3. “Body”: to piles up virtue (attitude of doing).
– Changing from quantitative practice to qualitative practice.
– Through daily training, you make a profound study.
All of you start from nothing can do, you need to do quantitative practice at first.
When you get base for your practice, your practice style will change from quantitative to qualitative.
In other words, you will become independent.
Doing independently means you have a responsibility, and doing a cycle of “Plan→Do→Check→Improve(Action)”.
When you do this continuously, you can get your virtue, and you will have a large heart of acceptance as a person.
This page conveys Japanese studies on Martial arts and artistry to enhance the spirit, artisans, etc.
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